Clean Water, Healthy Climate [Campaign]
All communities deserve clean air, safe drinking water and a future free from pollution. Governor Whitmer has a plan for clean water and a healthy climate.
Governor Whitmer has a plan for Clean Water and a Healthy Climate
We know the impacts climate change is having on our communities, from historic flooding to record high lake levels and toxic algae. Climate change is not tomorrow’s problem. It’s here now.
And we know that our water infrastructure is outdated, and many communities are still grappling with toxic contamination and lack of access to clean, safe and affordable drinking water.
Michigan also faces the dangers of a Line 5 oil spill, which is the single greatest threat to our Great Lakes, a source of drinking water for millions.
Gov. Whitmer is taking action to tackle these challenges. She is taking bold action to make Michigan a leader on protecting our water and taking action on climate change.
MI Healthy Climate Plan
The MI Healthy Climate plan sets important statewide goals to address climate change and protect the health of communities in Michigan. It is the most comprehensive policy to fight the effects of climate change in Michigan’s history.
The MI Healthy Climate Plan will:
- Put our state on a pathway to achieving economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2050.
- Achieve a 40% reduction of energy use by all existing state facilities by 2040.
- Achieve carbon neutrality in all new state buildings and renovations by 2030.
- Establish a Michigan climate solutions plan that will be an action plan to meet all of these outlined goals.
Learn more about the MI Healthy Climate Plan
MI Clean Water Plan
The Michigan Clean Water Plan will create jobs and take steps to provide access to clean, safe drinking water for all Michiganders with a $500 million reinvestment in our water that will:
- Replace lead pipes in communities with contaminated water.
- Help communities develop income-based water affordability programs to end water shut offs and increase accessibility.
- Replace sewage infrastructure that is responsible for dumping billions of gallons of sewage into our rivers and lakes.
Learn more about the MI Clean Water Plan
Shutting Down Line 5
On Nov. 13, 2020, Gov. Whitmer announced that she revoked the 1953 easement agreement with Enbridge Line 5, effectively moving for the pipeline to be shut down by spring 2021. Shutting down Line 5 is critical for protecting the Great Lakes.
- A Line 5 oil spill would impact 700 miles of shoreline, take years to clean up and devastate our Great Lakes economy
- The Line 5 dual pipelines are damaged beyond repair and are no longer safe to operate
- Enbridge Energy violated its agreement with the state of Michigan demonstrating a total disregard for the safety and health of our Great Lakes
Learn the truth about Line 5 and it’s impact on Michigan and our Great Lakes
“Michiganders are tired of waiting for action, the time is now. We must all work together to improve the quality of the waters of our State.”
-Gov. Gretchen Whitmer