Michigan League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

Irene McDonnell Cahill

Board Member

Irene is a forester for the City of Lansing Operations & Maintenance planting the city of tomorrow and an active Teamster 243 Chief Supervisory Steward and environmental organizer.

Irene joined the Michigan LCV Board in 2000, serving as the board president from 2003-2004. Irene is an active member of numerous other organizations across the state, such as the Michigan Arbor Day Alliance Committee and the Michigan State University Extension & Experiment Station Stakeholders Council. Whether at home in East Lansing or at work in Lansing, Irene is constantly advocating and organizing for a healthier and more accessible Michigan environment.

The many honors Irene has received over the years include the Region 5 Environmental Quality Award from the US EPA in 1991 and the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Michigan Spirit of Arboriculture Award.

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Irene McDonnell Cahill
Favorite Place in Michigan:
Sleeping Bear Dunes